Tuesday, May 14, 2013


   Finally! All the goats have finished kidding!We went out last Wednesday night and Dolina and Mariota both had theirs! Unfortunately, neither the babies or the mamas seemed to know who belonged to who. We named them Shadrach (boy, white), Meshach (Mia for short, girl, white), Abednego (Abby, girl, white) and Furnace (girl, black). That last name was my dad's idea. Toasty was the last one to kid on Sunday and she had twins, a boy and a girl. They have yet to be named. I am open to suggestions, as long as they are from the Old Testament. Preston is leaning towards Jezebel and Cain, but Toasty has never been his favorite goat, so we feel he is being a bit biased.
   This is random, but it made me laugh. Adalee was crying and moaning just now. She came to the top and looked at me sitting down here writing. "Adalee what's the matter?"
   She kind of looked at me blankly and blinked a couple times. "I think I forgot..." and wandered off. If you know Adalee you know exactly how she would have said it. Think= faint and forgot=fordot. Not to mention that as the sentence goes on her voice gets higher and higher (this is saying a lot since her four year old voice is pretty high to start with) and she draws out the last syllable as long as she can. We've often wondered if that is going to get better with time or if she will get married and say "I doooo!"
   As for the adoption, it's crunch time. Mom tries to explain what's going on but it's really hard to follow since I don't know what all these letters stand for and all of it's generally above my head. She is at work right now, but I will do another post and go into more detail sometime when she is here to help explain where we are at. All I know is that we have to be in China by June 2nd in order to complete the adoption by his birthday on June 13th. Please keep praying!


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